Purchase Order

If you are with a school or business and would like to submit a purchase order, we DO accept valid purchase orders from verifiable schools and businesses. Below you will find a list of common P.O. questions and instructions on how to submit your P.O.


Q: Can you send me a W9 Form?
Yes. Simply fill out this form:

    This form collects your name and email so that we can better correspond with you. Please check our privacy policy for more information.

    Q: What is your company name to put on the Purchase Order?
    A&S Crafted Products

    Q: Do you accept payment by check?
    Yes. Just submit your purchase order and we’ll send you an invoice.

    Q: Do you need a copy of our tax exempt form?
    No, we do not require it.

    Q: What is the estimated shipping cost?
    Simply add the product you would like to order to the Cart on this website and the shipping rate will be presented on the Cart page.



    Please fill out the form below. Or email your P.O. to orders@ascraftedproducts.com

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      SPAM Quiz: Which is bigger, 3 or 6?